PIR insulated plasterboards termPIR AL GK 100mm poliurethane + 12,5mm gypsum 1200×2600 mm

PIR insulated plasterboards termPIR AL GK 100mm poliurethane + 12,5mm gypsum 1200×2600 mm

21,31  netto | 26,21  brutto (23% VAT)

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PIR termPIR AL GK boards 100mm + 12.5mm Gypsum Cardboard = 112.5mm

PIR insulated gypsum plasterboards
Thickness: 112.50 mm / 100 mm PIR + 12.5mm Gypsum Cardboard
Available PIR core thicknesses 20-200mm
Board width: 1200mm
Board length: 2600mm
Area per board piece: 3.12 m2
Price given per m2
Type of polyurethane: PIR (polyisocyanurate)
Gas-tight lining – aluminum laminated paper plus Gypsum Cardboard
Lambda λ : 0,022 W/mK

termPIR® AL GK insulation boards are a composite – a sandwich panel consisting of a PIR core and a plasterboard. There is an adhesive layer between the board with an aluminum cladding and the g-k board.

Gypsum Boards with insulation are an ideal material for insulating walls and ceilings of rooms from the inside – including attics and staircases.

Goods available in the company’s warehouses in Poland:
SEROCK – Dzierżenin 34 E [maps]
BŁONIE – ul. Sochaczewska 138 A [maps]
RADOM – Mlodocin Mniejszy 29 [maps]
ŁÓDŹ – Natolin 8 [maps]
OLSZTYN – Barczewo ul. Prosta 9 [maps]
WROCŁAW– ul. Jerzmanowska 14 C [maps]
Ask for an Offer +48 500 409 109 m@il: [email protected]
We deliver goods to any place in Europe!



    Polyurethane insulation is currently one of the best methods of thermal insulation of roofs, floors, and facades.

    – for both refurbishment and new build projects
    – multi-layer kraft aluminium facings on both sides  λ : 0,022 W/mK
    – simple and cost-effective 2 in 1 insulated plasterboard
    – provides insulation and dry lining in one operation

    Energy-efficient construction uses intelligent technologies that allow for achieving high thermal comfort and creating a building characterized by low energy consumption and low operating costs. The boards provide more effective thermal insulation compared to other insulating materials such as mineral wool or EPS polystyrene or XPS styrodur. They allow for economical, long-term and safe use of a house or apartment.

    Insulation classes PIR boards - polyurethane - Styrofoam EPS - XPS extruded polystyrene - mineral wool

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    Województwo dolnośląskie

    SteelProfil - Oddział Wrocław
    ul. Jerzmanowska 14 C, 54-530 Wrocław
    e-mail: [email protected]

    Zobacz na mapie

    tel. +48 500 409 109

    Wrocław, Legnica, Wałbrzych, Jelenia Góra, Kłodzko, Lubin, Bolesławiec, Zgorzelec, Głogów

    Advantages of polyurethane insulation – PIR board:

    *Hard and resistant to damage – σ₁₀ = 150 kPa (from 30 mm)*
    do not change shape over time (do not settle), and are lightweight.
    120 mm thick boards are only 3.6 kg/m².
    *Excellent thermal insulation – λ = 0.022 W/m•K* D
    is enough for a 110 mm thick board, and in energy-efficient and passive houses 230 mm.
    *Water resistance – water absorption below 2%* forget about replacing
    damp insulation. An additional advantage is the possibility of year-round installation.
    *Resistance to biological and chemical factors you do not have to
    share your home with rodents and insects, or worry about fungi or mold.
    *Self-extinguishing material, i.e. it does not support fire.

    Izolowana Płyta Karton Gips pianką poliretanową PIR SZARA

    Are you looking for Cheap Insulation Board ?
    Call to us! +48 500 409 109
    We deliver orders all over Europe

    Send e-mail: [email protected]

    Additional information

    Weight3 kg
    Dimensions1200 × 600 × 6 cm
    Zostaw numer telefonu