PIR Insulation Board MIX 20mm 3 Grade soprema termpir thermano bauder recticel

PIR Insulation Board MIX 20mm 3 Grade soprema termpir thermano bauder recticel

1,86  netto | 1,86  brutto (23% VAT)

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PIR insulation polyurethane polyisocyanurate
MIX boards – unsorted, different thicknesses.
Sample price for thickness: 20mm / 2cm
Available thicknesses 20-200mm (2-20cm)
Average price m3: 90 EUR net/m3
Board dimensions: 1200x600mm and 1200x2400mm (mix)
Sales unit: m2
Grade: 3
50% lambda than polystyrene or wool! (0.022-0.027)
Sale offer! We do not sort boards by thickness!

Goods Available at the Company’s Warehouses:
SEROCK – Dzierżenin 34 E [maps]
BŁONIE – ul. Sochaczewska 138 A [maps]
RADOM – Mlodocin Mniejszy 29 [maps]
ŁÓDŹ – Natolin 8 [maps]
OLSZTYN – Barczewo ul. Prosta 9 [maps]
WROCŁAW– ul. Jerzmanowska 14 C [maps]
Check availability by phone: +48 500 409 109



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SteelProfil - Oddział Wrocław
ul. Jerzmanowska 14 C, 54-530 Wrocław
e-mail: [email protected]

Zobacz na mapie

tel. +48 500 409 109

Wrocław, Legnica, Wałbrzych, Jelenia Góra, Kłodzko, Lubin, Bolesławiec, Zgorzelec, Głogów

MIX boards – various, mixed thicknesses in pallets.

Example estimated prices of individual board thicknesses per m2:
20mm – 1.85 EUR/m2 net
40mm – 3.72 EUR/m2 net
50mm – 4.64 EUR/m2 net
60mm – 5.59 EUR/m2 net
80mm – 7.42 EUR/m2 net
100mm – 9.00 EUR/m2 net
120mm – 11.14 EUR/m2 net
140mm – 12.99 EUR/m2 net
150mm – 13.93 EUR/m2 net
160mm – 14.85 EUR/m2 net
180mm – 16.72 EUR/m2 net
200mm – 18.56 EUR/m2 net

Cheap PIR Insulation Boards

50% better lambda than EPS polystyrene or Mineral Wool! (0.022-0.027). PIR insulation boards are the best currently available insulation for roofs, walls, floors and foundations. They have 50% better lambda than wool or polystyrene. At the same time, they are non-absorbent, do not lose parameters over time or in the summer (the phenomenon of conversion to temperature). PIR boards are used as thermal insulation wherever the investor understands the importance of insulation and every centimeter counts and the best insulation is required in places such as sloping and flat roofs and: foundations, partition and external walls, ceilings, balconies and terraces. Goods for your own segregation.

Are you looking for Cheap Insulation Board ?
Call to us! +48 500 409 109
We deliver orders all over Europe

Send e-mail: [email protected]

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 1200 × 600 × 6 cm
Zostaw numer telefonu